Lawn Care Business

Clearly, the first step in determining whether or not a lawn care business is for you, is examining your enjoyment of such work. Starting a business built on financial goals rather than your love of the business is destined for failure. If you truly love to work outdoors, to bring creativity to the table, to nurture a lawn into health and vitality, then a lawn care business will bring you much more than cash. If you love what you do on a daily basis then you will never work another day in your life; because when you do what you love it doesn’t feel like work.

One thing you should know up front before beginning a lawn care business is the non-traditional hours that will be required of you. Many of your customers will require your services over the weekend; some lawn maintenance may need to be done during early morning hours – or later when the sun has set. While you may be successful enough at some point to hire employees who can help offset the workload for you, initially it may just be you. Be prepared for some long days and weeks early on in your lawn care … Read the rest

Business Plan Resources


A sense of Vision in the business has to be aligned and integrated with the Mission and Values of the business. Vision is the living out of the Mission and behaving in the right way. Vision is something you do. Vision is venturing out into a future that is unknown, and it is refined and understood more clearly only as it is enacted.

Remember, there are no futures in that sense, apart from the ones that we create for ourselves. We set out toward this envisioned future and act as if it were a reality, and in so doing, the Vision becomes clearer as we go and more likely to become so.

Listen and Observe

Creating Vision in the value-based business then is a process of discovery through action. The successful business owner and effective manager is always listening to and observing what is going on in their business in relation to the external world.

The Vision for the business, imparted with, through and for others, is the result of this ongoing process and a growing understanding of what the Vision means. All business activities being undertaken are sifted through the lens of Vision.

One of the highly valued … Read the rest

Evaluating Entrepreneurship Options

  • How much Income (net profit) would you like your new venture to bring in annually after: 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years or more? If you are simply buying yourself a job but have so many more headaches, longer hours and greater risks (95% of businesses fail in their 1st 5 years) is that worth it to you?
  • Along with creating income now will be your ability to sell and retire or retire and continue to earn residual income. As a former Real Estate Agent I saw many Agents build their business on their name alone and when it came time to retire it was very difficult to sell their business entity when it was so based on their personal name. What “exit strategy” or planning for retirement can you build towards? Would you be able to have early retirement?
  • Closely related to income is how large you intend to grow. Is this a business that will be dependent upon your efforts alone or can you hire and expand – locally, nationally, internationally?
  • A huge consideration will be amount of time that is needed to run your business and not just the operation of the business
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Manage A Fast Growing Business

Create Policies and Procedures

One of the best things you can do for a fast growing business (or even a slow one for that matter) is create policies and procedures. We’re not talking about creating a plan for every little thing but more of a manual or guide so that you can bring new staff up to speed quickly or Robo Advisor.

Having procedures in place makes training new staff much faster and ensures all staff are learning the same thing. Keeping everyone on the same page during company growth is essential because your time will be getting eaten up dealing with other matters.

Get the Right Systems in Place

It makes all the difference to have the correct systems in place during rapid growth. Make sure you’re using a line of business application that works for your company. Do you schedule employees? Do you go on-site to clients businesses? Do you provide support tickets to customers?

Look at the way you run your business and make sure you get software that has the necessary features to make your company run efficiently. You don’t want to be messing around with multiple software packages and cloud products slowing down staff … Read the rest

Open Source Billing System

This new billing software satisfies many businessmen. People who come up with new businesses are possible to make mistakes that will cost them a fine amount. Open Source billing system enables in proper accounting and reports you accordingly. A helping hand for the clients to come up from meddles of business.

Open source billing software helps anyone to make out a clear business plan too. All these services designs a layout for the new business programming services. Ticketing, account administration, rating, reporting, multi currencies support management, balance tracking, etc are performed. Freelance developers, small business firms, contract employers and other executives are made accessible to this facility. Open source billing system has made the system easily accessible and lessens the time for financial dealings.

Open source billing services with its efficient management in dealing with the business matters makes smooth running of the system. A rapid progress in the company’s structural and functional matters will result by this. Both businesspersons and employees can access open source billing system without depending on any client software. Installation assistance, support contracts, customs developments are a part of it. Open source billing system works on Linux, Windows, MySQL and more.

jbilling is one of

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Ways to Overcome Entrepreneur Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome has its roots in insecurity that one is not smart enough or capable to do anything worthwhile. It is a deep dark well of despair where one has this constant fear of being discovered to be a fraud and an impostor. Every achievement is seen as an opportunity where others can unearth the “fraudulent” you lurking somewhere under the guise of “achiever” you. It becomes a vicious circle of self-loathing to over come these feelings one works twice as hard and then again falls prey to the destructive feeling of being discovered as a phony. It is an emotional itch that slowly gnaws at your triumphs and turns them into sorrows of the deepest kind. Since most of this happens inside a person’s head, they don’t speak about it.

Imposter syndrome is often characterized by the fear of not being able to live up to the expectations of people. It is the dread of being evaluated and the refusal to accept praise and compliments for one’s accomplishments. It could also be referred to as the curse of the super achievers as they refuse to believe in their own competence and attribute their success to luck, timing or more … Read the rest

Reasons Why Entrepreneurship Is Amazing

  • Time. No nine to five for you, my friend. You’ll probably work more hours than that, but if you need to go to school sports day or to the park because it’s a sunny afternoon, well, you can do – because you’re in charge. You can catch up with the work when the sun’s gone down.
  • Place. Technology freed us from the need to ‘be’ somewhere years ago. It was corporations that required us to drive up and down motorways for self-serving internal meetings when we might have video-conferenced them. As your own boss you can become a ninja expense manager and eliminate all of that wasted time. Work wherever it suits you. In a coffee shop. On a beach. Whilst baby-sitting. In front of the TV. Effectively, work where you please.
  • Dress code. Dress down every day, if you want to. Stay in your PJs all day, if it suits you, and you’re comfortable with the risk that a client might Skype you at any moment – but be certain to have your work head on at all times.
  • No politics. Every office has politics. It’s unavoidable. It’s less obvious than it used to be, but in medium or
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Landing Clients

“You know how when we go fishing you use a lure and I use worms?” I asked him. “Yes,” he replied still visibly confused. “Well, what do I catch and what do you catch?” I asked with some sarcasm. “You catch a lot more fish than I do that’s for sure – but mine are bigger!” he said with a level of confidence reserved only for things he is passionate about – fishing being one of them. I knew he understood immediately. A fisherman always does – perhaps it’s all that time they have to contemplate the meaning of life as they wait for “the big one” to strike. Make no mistake about it – if you want to land a big one, you need the right bait. My husband understood the analogy right away because he knows when I fish with worms I catch all kinds of different fish, but most of them are small and I use a lot of bait.

I’ve always loved fishing with worms and even raised night crawlers when I was a teenager. I never really saw the merits of using a lure and certainly never thought a fish would be interested in a … Read the rest

Start A Personalized Gift Business

  • Find your Niche – There are dozens of online stores selling varieties of personalized gifts. This makes it important to make sure that yours come with a personal touch to make them stand out. To find your niche, decide who your potential clientele will be, their occupation, interests and hobbies and then choose practical gifts that will be fun to spruce up to make them as unique as possible. You can decide to do bags, calendars, photo frames, toys or even playing cards among many others.
  • Lay out a plan – A business plan is important to guide you all through. Start by getting familiar with the latest industry trends and knowing your competitors. When you know what your competitors are offering, you find it easier to choose a slightly different path to make your business special in a way. You also will need to check pricing, marketing concepts and sales strategies. This is also the stage at which you will need to come up with a business name and logo and register the same for the business.
  • Set the business – This is choosing where your business will be located. It should be a location that serves current needs
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Make Perfect Entrepreneurial Soup

Some travelers came to a village, carrying nothing more than an empty cooking pot. Upon their arrival, the villagers were unwilling to share any of their food stores with the hungry travelers.

In realizing no one was going to help feed them, the travelers went to the nearest stream, filled a pot with water and dropped a large stone into it. They then placed it over a fire.

One of the villagers became curious and asked what they were doing. The travelers answered that they were making “stone soup,” which tastes wonderful.

Before taking his first taste of the soup, the traveler stated that it needed a little bit of garnish to improve the flavor, which they are missing.

The villager, not minding to part with a few carrots to help them out, added them to the soup. Another villager walked by inquiring about the pot and the travelers again mentioned their stone soup, which had not yet reached its full potential.

Another villager walked by inquiring about the pot and the travelers again mentioned their stone soup, which had not yet reached its full potential.

The villager handed them a little bit of seasoning to help them out.

Soon, … Read the rest