Make Money Doing Almost Zero Work

You ever been, amigo?

Anyway, it’s called a “holiday” for a reason… I want to go there and really enjoy myself. And that means doing almost ZERO work.

Yet most entrepreneurs and business owners can’t go on holiday and just chill.


Because they haven’t got automated sales and marketing systems in place. If they did have, then they could happily jet off to wherever they wanted, whenever they wanted.

So how am I gonna make money these next two weeks without doing an ounce of work?


I’ve ALREADY written the emails I’ll be sending to my email list whilst I’m away. I’ve just scheduled them to be sent at specific times over the next two weeks (with at least one email being sent every day).

If you’re a beginner when it comes to email marketing (or you don’t currently know anything about it at all), let me assure you this is very easy to do. You just need to write your emails on whichever email service provider platform you use (I decided to go with a company called Aweber) and then you schedule it to be sent on a time and a date of your choice.

It really is that simple.

And you know what?

I think this is the BIGGEST benefit of email marketing… The fact you can run a business which lets you live a great life.

This is the holy grail of business, right?

Yet so many entrepreneurs struggle to do this. Their sales and marketing consists of them wasting hours and hours on social media and/or on making cold calls. Whilst I’m not denying these methods can be effective at making sales, they certainly aren’t the most time-efficient method.

Think about it: How many hours does it take you to pick up one paying client on Facebook? And I imagine it takes even longer when cold-calling.

Yet an email can take as little as ten to twenty minutes to write. Once you hit “send”, it will be sent out to your entire email list. Depending on the size of your email list, you could potentially be sending your sales message to thousands of people at one time.

And these aren’t “cold” prospects either. These will all be people who have already opted to subscribe to your email list, meaning they’ll at least be what you’d call “warm” prospects.

In order to do this well though, you need to learn all the insider tricks, techniques and secrets that will allow you to make potentially a lot of money every single day via email marketing.

Here’s a FREE gift for you, which will help you get started: