The actual document is a story describing the essentials about your business. Really, this is putting all your ideas down on paper so that either you can review progress over time or a potential investor such as a bank can instantly understand how you are going to achieve your financial projections and to assess the risk of lending you any capital.
The length of your plan should be as long as it takes to describe the following :
- where are you now with your business
- where do you want to take it
- how are you going to get there
Simple questions that require detailed answers. Most plans that are submitted to a bank should only be around 20 pages because that should be enough to get the important aspects out. Additionally a bank or any other reader will probably concentrate on 2 elements. Your executive summary and your finances.
The summary is just that. It summaries everything from a description about your business, the products, your customers, your management team and your financial forecasts.
Most people when thinking about starting a business know they have to write a business plan because they have probably been told that by their bank … Read the rest