Write Your Business Plan

The actual document is a story describing the essentials about your business. Really, this is putting all your ideas down on paper so that either you can review progress over time or a potential investor such as a bank can instantly understand how you are going to achieve your financial projections and to assess the risk of lending you any capital.

The length of your plan should be as long as it takes to describe the following :

  • where are you now with your business
  • where do you want to take it
  • how are you going to get there

Simple questions that require detailed answers. Most plans that are submitted to a bank should only be around 20 pages because that should be enough to get the important aspects out. Additionally a bank or any other reader will probably concentrate on 2 elements. Your executive summary and your finances.

The summary is just that. It summaries everything from a description about your business, the products, your customers, your management team and your financial forecasts.

Most people when thinking about starting a business know they have to write a business plan because they have probably been told that by their bank … Read the rest

Business Plan Is So Important

There are so many types of people in this world. A farmer may be need a truck rather than sports car. A single person may not need a van. There many car and trucks available in the markets. They fulfill all their costumer needs. But they have the same mission. Their mission is the get from Point A to Point B. It will take you where you want to be.

Same with business plan, your just want to get to Point B. There many different type of business that can get you to point B. So must you must improve your business to get you goal. Business plan will determine you progress. Without a plan, your business just like a blind person who didn’t know where to go and where are you at.

Focus on where you want to be rather that what should be your business vehicle. But you must consider to most efficient business that available. The choice is yours, you can have a cheap business vehicle that took you years to arrive at you goal or you may want to use a bit amount of money to guarantee your goal in a much shorter time.

Write your … Read the rest

Business Plan Resources


A sense of Vision in the business has to be aligned and integrated with the Mission and Values of the business. Vision is the living out of the Mission and behaving in the right way. Vision is something you do. Vision is venturing out into a future that is unknown, and it is refined and understood more clearly only as it is enacted.

Remember, there are no futures in that sense, apart from the ones that we create for ourselves. We set out toward this envisioned future and act as if it were a reality, and in so doing, the Vision becomes clearer as we go and more likely to become so.

Listen and Observe

Creating Vision in the value-based business then is a process of discovery through action. The successful business owner and effective manager is always listening to and observing what is going on in their business in relation to the external world.

The Vision for the business, imparted with, through and for others, is the result of this ongoing process and a growing understanding of what the Vision means. All business activities being undertaken are sifted through the lens of Vision.

One of the highly valued … Read the rest