Run a Successful Business Online

Fear of failure

The vast majority of people who opt into a website never even read the emails that are sent to them to teach them how to market online. And this is probably due to skepticism.

A little skepticism about jumping into a new opportunity is healthy. However, beware of choosing to be so skeptical that it holds you back from success. Skepticism is the same as fear. And fear is “False Events Appearing Real”. If you are so skeptical that you never try, then your likelihood of becoming successful is a big fat zero!

Fear of success

Fear of success? Yes, there is such a thing as this, too. People by and large are afraid of change. They tend to cling to whatever it is they know, which is their “comfort zone”. Oddly enough, even staying with an abusive spouse is considered a “comfort zone” for some… and staying in an abusive job is also a comfort zone, even though it is far from comfortable. If this is you, be aware of it, recognize it, and try to move on.

Fear of quitting job due to long-time loyalty

People who hate their jobs have it easy to move fast in this business. However, if you’ve been working at the same job for years, then you might have a sense of loyalty, and you really don’t feel the need to quit, because the loyalty to something that has provided for you for so long.

Just remember that it’s a business that pays your bills, and in this day in age, anything can happen to that job…

I’m not saying jump out of your job and into internet marketing in one sweep – but just work both at the same time until you start to feel as comfortable with the contacts you make online and your new following as you do in your job.

Fear of quitting job due to insecurity

This goes back to the fear of change factor. We all want security, but in reality, being a slave to your job until you die is not really security.

Conversely, it keeps you hostage and holds you back from changing into who you were meant to be…

While it’s a good idea do keep you job while you’re first starting out learning how to run a successful business online, my suggestion is to slowly wean yourself away as you become more secure in knowing how to run a successful business and becoming an entrepreneur.

And, this is probably the longest learning curve with learning how to run a successful business online…